periodic-ci-openshift-ovn-kubernetes-release-4.10-e2e-ibmcloud-ipi-ovn-periodic (all) - 1 runs, 100% failed, 100% of failures match = 100% impact
#1783011217892184064junit2 days ago
[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should start and expose a secured proxy and unsecured metrics [Skipped:Disconnected] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]
[sig-instrumentation][Late] Alerts shouldn't report any unexpected alerts in firing or pending state [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]
#1783011217892184064junit2 days ago
[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should start and expose a secured proxy and unsecured metrics [Skipped:Disconnected] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]
[sig-instrumentation][Late] Alerts shouldn't report any unexpected alerts in firing or pending state [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]
#1783011217892184064junit2 days ago
# [sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should start and expose a secured proxy and unsecured metrics [Skipped:Disconnected] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]
fail []: possibly some services didn't register ServiceMonitors to allow metrics collection
#1783011217892184064junit2 days ago
# [sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should start and expose a secured proxy and unsecured metrics [Skipped:Disconnected] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]
fail []: possibly some services didn't register ServiceMonitors to allow metrics collection
#1783011217892184064junit2 days ago
Apr 24 07:18:59.088 E ns/e2e-test-image-change-build-trigger-5xd7j pod/multi-image-trigger-3-build node/ci-op-2brfy3hd-39556-2kl5k-worker-3-kqnrh reason/Failed ():
Apr 24 07:19:00.263 - 163s  E e2e-test/"[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should start and expose a secured proxy and unsecured metrics [Skipped:Disconnected] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" e2e test finished As "Failed"
Apr 24 07:19:13.252 E ns/e2e-test-oc-builds-x8pmx pod/origin-1-build node/ci-op-2brfy3hd-39556-2kl5k-worker-2-r6vjs container/manage-dockerfile init container exited with code 1 (Error): Replaced Dockerfile FROM image image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/tools:latest\nError: received unexpected terminate signal\n
#1783011217892184064junit2 days ago
Apr 24 07:21:43.986 E ns/e2e-test-bond-2mlnl pod/pod2 node/ci-op-2brfy3hd-39556-2kl5k-worker-2-r6vjs container/agnhost-container reason/ContainerExit code/1 cause/Error
Apr 24 07:21:44.068 E e2e-test/"[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should start and expose a secured proxy and unsecured metrics [Skipped:Disconnected] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" finishedStatus/Failed
Apr 24 07:21:44.417 E ns/e2e-test-router-scoped-j68mw pod/execpod node/ci-op-2brfy3hd-39556-2kl5k-worker-3-kqnrh container/agnhost-container reason/ContainerExit code/137 cause/Error

Found in 100.00% of runs (100.00% of failures) across 1 total runs and 1 jobs (100.00% failed) in 94ms - clear search | chart view - source code located on github