periodic-ci-openshift-release-master-ci-4.8-upgrade-from-stable-4.7-e2e-aws-upgrade (all) - 1 runs, 100% failed, 100% of failures match = 100% impact
#1783178879289004032junit12 days ago
ns/openshift-etcd pod/ node/ - invariant violation (bug): static pod should not transition Running->Pending with same UID
ns/openshift-etcd pod/ node/ - invariant violation (bug): static pod should not transition Running->Pending with same UID
ns/openshift-etcd pod/ node/ - invariant violation (bug): static pod should not transition Running->Pending with same UID
ns/openshift-kube-apiserver pod/ node/ - invariant violation (bug): static pod should not transition Running->Pending with same UID
ns/openshift-kube-apiserver pod/ node/ - invariant violation (bug): static pod should not transition Running->Pending with same UID
ns/openshift-kube-apiserver pod/ node/ - invariant violation (bug): static pod should not transition Running->Pending with same UID
ns/openshift-kube-scheduler pod/ node/ - invariant violation (bug): static pod should not transition Running->Pending with same UID
ns/openshift-kube-controller-manager pod/ node/ - invariant violation (bug): static pod should not transition Running->Pending with same UID
ns/openshift-kube-controller-manager pod/ node/ - invariant violation (bug): static pod should not transition Running->Pending with same UID
ns/openshift-kube-scheduler pod/ node/ - invariant violation (bug): static pod should not transition Running->Pending with same UID
ns/openshift-kube-controller-manager pod/ node/ - invariant violation (bug): static pod should not transition Running->Pending with same UID
ns/openshift-kube-scheduler pod/ node/ - invariant violation (bug): static pod should not transition Running->Pending with same UID
ns/openshift-kube-apiserver pod/ node/ - invariant violation (bug): static pod should not transition Running->Pending with same UID
ns/openshift-kube-apiserver pod/ node/ - invariant violation (bug): static pod should not transition Running->Pending with same UID

... 1 lines not shown

Found in 100.00% of runs (100.00% of failures) across 1 total runs and 1 jobs (100.00% failed) in 89ms - clear search | chart view - source code located on github