#TRT-671issueazure-sdn-serial-techpreview using unexpected disruption values CLOSED
Issue 14931036: azure-sdn-serial-techpreview using unexpected disruption values
Description: is often on a couple disruption backends. However the value it claims is expected does not match the data file.
 [sig-api-machinery] disruption/cache-kube-api connection/reused should be available throughout the test expand_less 	2h19m21s
 {  cache-kube-api-reused-connections was unreachable during disruption testing for at least 2s of 2h19m21s (maxAllowed=1s):
 ~/go/src/ remotes/up/release-4.12* 6s
 ❯ cat ./pkg/synthetictests/allowedbackenddisruption/query_results.json | jq '.[] | select(.Platform == "azure") | select(.FromRelease == "") | select(.BackendName == "cache-kube-api-reused-connections") | select(.Network == "sdn")'
   "BackendName": "cache-kube-api-reused-connections",
   "Release": "4.12",
   "FromRelease": "",
   "Platform": "azure",
   "Architecture": "amd64",
   "Network": "sdn",
   "Topology": "ha",
   "P95": "1.6499999999999908",
   "P99": "2.9299999999999979"
 Where is the 1s limit coming from, it looks like it should be about 3? 
 Is something handling techpreview differently?
 File is also last updated Oct 21 in release-4.12, soon to be rebased from master we expect.
Status: CLOSED

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