pull-ci-cri-o-cri-o-main-e2e-gcp-ovn (all) - 148 runs, 38% failed, 2% of failures match = 1% impact
#1787896296342818816junit10 days ago
# [sig-network] Networking IPerf2 [Feature:Networking-Performance] should run iperf2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]
fail []: iperf2 MB/s received below baseline of 10 for client ci-op-xdybffrz-82f83-2ml7w-worker-c-ksm54 to server ci-op-xdybffrz-82f83-2ml7w-worker-b-2w5w7: 8

Found in 0.68% of runs (1.79% of failures) across 148 total runs and 1 jobs (37.84% failed) in 239ms - clear search | chart view - source code located on github