pull-ci-openshift-console-master-e2e-gcp-console (all) - 293 runs, 70% failed, 4% of failures match = 3% impact
#1780108946443341824junit2 days ago
# Root Suite.Entire pipeline flow from Builder page "before all" hook for "Background Steps"
CypressError: `cy.type()` failed because the page updated as a result of this command, but you tried to continue the command chain. The subject is no longer attached to the DOM, and Cypress cannot requery the page after commands such as `cy.type()`.
#1778787979460874240junit6 days ago
# resource CRUD operations "after all" hook for "deletes the resource instance"
CypressError: `cy.exec('oc delete project test-pdmop')` timed out after waiting `60000ms`.
#1778795398517755904junit6 days ago
# Perform actions on knative service and revision.Perform actions on knative service and revision Set traffic distribution equal to 100% for the Revisions of the knative Service: KN-02-TC12
CypressError: Timed out retrying after 40000ms: `cy.clear()` failed because this element:
#1778671481312514048junit6 days ago
# Installing "Data Grid" operator in test namespace.Installing "Data Grid" operator in test namespace Installs Data Grid operator in test namespace and creates Backup operand instance
CypressError: `` can only be called on a single element. Your subject contained 2 elements. Pass `{ multiple: true }` if you want to serially click each element.
#1778559801513480192junit7 days ago
# Debug pod.Debug pod "after all" hook for "Opens debug terminal page from Pods Page - Status tool tip"
CypressError: `cy.exec('oc delete project test-wsfqg')` timed out after waiting `60000ms`.
#1778439008850808832junit7 days ago
# Debug pod.Debug pod "after all" hook for "Opens debug terminal page from Pods Page - Status tool tip"
CypressError: `cy.exec('oc delete project test-xxkbs')` timed out after waiting `60000ms`.
#1778418569063698432junit7 days ago
# Perform actions on knative service and revision.Perform actions on knative service and revision Set traffic distribution equal to 100% for the Revisions of the knative Service: KN-02-TC12
CypressError: Timed out retrying after 40000ms: `cy.clear()` failed because this element:
#1778134490921570304junit8 days ago
# Perform actions on knative service and revision.Perform actions on knative service and revision Set traffic distribution equal to 100% for the Revisions of the knative Service: KN-02-TC12
CypressError: Timed out retrying after 40000ms: `cy.clear()` failed because this element:
#1777771664042364928junit9 days ago
# Debug pod.Debug pod "after all" hook for "Opens debug terminal page from Pods Page - Status tool tip"
CypressError: `cy.exec('oc delete project test-asqzr')` timed out after waiting `60000ms`.

Found in 3.07% of runs (4.39% of failures) across 293 total runs and 1 jobs (69.97% failed) in 115ms - clear search | chart view - source code located on github